
Year 5

Year 5

Mrs Blackwell

Email address:

Year 5 & 6 Carol Concert

DT testing arches to spread the load on bridges.

Fire safety talk

DT building bridges. Y5 tested beam shape and compared strength.

Odd socks day for Anti-bullying Week

Year 5 Dodgeball Competition.

Botanical Gardens. Year 5 had a great day leaning about tropical plants and their uses. We also got to handle some rainforest animals!

Learning celebration. Year 5 shared their learning about the Maya civilisation. They completed a fact hunt with their adults.

Visit from Ricardo to investigate how simple machines, such as pulleys, levers and gears, make machines work and make our life much easier.

Using paper helicopters to investigate the effects of air resistance during science

World Mental Health Day - Crafting, meditation and singing

3D paper sculpture techniques. Art masterclass

Welcome back Year 5!


Important information

PE - For the first half term PE will be on Wednesday and / or Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full PE kit (in school everyday) including a white t-shirt, black shorts, black jogging bottoms, a black long sleeved top and trainers.  



  • Maths homework  will be given out on a Thursday and will be due in the following Thursday
  • English homework will be given out on Friday and will be due in the following Friday.
  • Spellings will also be set on a Friday and there will be a spelling test the following Friday. Spellings can be found on the Spelling Shed website and on the class page.  Please ask if you do not have a login.
  • Reading. It is also incredibly important for your child to continue reading on a regular basis (at least 4 times a week). Your child can read to themselves or to an adult. We would also encourage 'book talk' at home - discussing the plot of the story, the characters, your child's favourite part of the book, making predictions about what they think might happen next.
Radford Semele C of E Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. We expect all staff, volunteers and parents to share this commitment.