Miss Bradburn
Email address: bradburn.t2@welearn365.com
Mrs Gibbs
Learning about numbers 11 to 20
We have been trying to understand our teens numbers this term. We are learning that they are made of 1 ten and a number of ones, so 14 is made of 1 ten and 4 ones.
We used a range of equipment to show these numbers and represent them in tens and ones.
Perseverance - Collective Worship
Year 1 introduced this half term's value of 'Perseverance' in worship on Monday. We thought about a robin and how It is difficult for it to find food and to keep warm during the winter months.
It will do what it can to help itself. It will simply ‘dig in’, settle down and ‘ride out the storm’ as best it can.
We thought about what we could learn about perseverance from the robin.
We thought about some situations where the children find things difficult and sometimes want to give up and did some role play to demonstrate how our friends can support us by saying 'Keep trying' and 'Don't give up'.
The school joined us in watching an animation of the story of Nehemiah, which represents the value of perseverance in the bible.
"If at first you don't succeed, try, try again."
RE - What does Christmas mean to Christians?
We had a whole day of RE exploring the Christmas Story. After walking through the story we worked together to write sections to put together into the full story. We compared Christmas cards with a religious theme and those with other traditions. We created an advent wreath, and made a paper chain with our thoughts of thankfulness.
Year 1 and Year 2 have done an absolutely amazing job with their Nativity performance! We are so proud of the work they have put in and how well they performed. Well done, everyone!
Welcome to Year One!
We have had a truly fantastic time starting this new academic year and the children have responded so positively to Year 1. They have helped me to feel welcome and are already engaging in all of the the learning activities.
We had a busy week getting to know the daily routine, finding where all the resources are, understanding expectations and taking part in lots of fun activities.
If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to me after school or use the email address found above.
PE - For the first half term PE will be on Tuesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full PE kit including a t-shirt, shorts, jogging bottoms, a long sleeved top and trainers/plimsolls. Please ensure that all items are labelled with your child’s name. We will send PE kits home for a wash at the end of each half term, unless it gets especially grubby before that.
• Reading: Your child will bring home 2 reading books each week, one from our reading scheme and another chosen from our class library. Please support your child to read these, and other books, daily and record it in their reading diary. Details of what they’ve read and a signature will be sufficient but please feel free to add a comment if you’d like. We would also encourage 'book talk' at home - discussing the plot of the story, the characters, your child's favourite part of the book, making predictions about what they think might happen next.
• Phonics: Your child will soon be bringing home a phonics homework book which will include activities to help your child practise the phonics skills we are working on at school. New activities will be added and sent home each Friday. Please support your child to complete the activities at home and return the book to school on the following Thursday.