Our Collective Worship Timetable
Monday - Values
These are an opportunity to explore our school values. We use a range of picture books that explore the focus value for each half term. They are led by class teachers on a rota system, allowing more adults to lead Collective Worship and giving children the benefit of different styles of delivery.
Tuesday - Songs of Praise
Mrs Reynolds leads our weekly Songs of Praise. Children learn new songs and explore the meaning of the songs we sing in Collective Worship.
Wednesday - Vision and Values
These are led by Mrs Benson or our vicar, Martin and include stories from the Bible. Once a half term they are led by the class who are responsible for introducing our focus value for that half term.
Thursday - Understanding Religion
Led by Mrs Anwar, Miss Conroy, and a range of visitors, these acts of collective worship are based on different Christian concepts, different religious beliefs and key moments in the Christian calendar. Once a half term our Collective Worship Team lead this worship.
Friday - Celebration of Achievement
An opportunity to celebrate children in our school who have consistently demonstrated our school vision and values. Parents of these children are invited to join us. We share the weekly totals of our class tokens and celebrate children's achievements out of school by sharing entries in The Golden Book.
At the start of the summer term, Year 3 lead worship to introduce our new value of responsibility. Thank you for leading a brilliant collective worship and for helping us to think more about how we can show responsibility to others.
In January, our Year 1 children introduced our new value focus of 'Perseverance'. They did a wonderful job of retelling the story of Nehemiah and teaching the school all about what perseverance means.
Thank you to Year 3 for leading our Christmas Service in church this year. We really enjoyed finding out more about how Christmas is celebrated around the world!
Year 4 did a fantastic job of leading our Harvest Festival service in church. They performed some Harvest songs, retold the parable of the farmer and the seeds and shared some prayers that they had written. They explained the importance of foodbanks and where our kind, generous donations will soon be going.
Miss Purewal introduced Black History Month on Monday 2nd October during Collective Worship. As part of our vision, 'a family of learners expecting the best', we ensure that all children's unique selves and their differences are celebrated and every child feels included within our school family. At Radford, we ensure that diversity is woven throughout our school curriculum such as through significant individuals in history, books we read and artists we study.
Miss Purewal read a great book during worship called 'Don't touch my hair!' linked to our school value of Respect.
On Thursday 28th September, Miss Conroy lead our 'Understanding Religion' Collective Worship in which we explore different religions! We found out about the holiest day in the Jewish calendar which had been celebrated earlier this week: Yom Kippur! The children listened so carefully and showed such great understanding of the festival with a fun quiz at the end!
We have been exploring different Bible Stories in Collective Worship. Reverend Martin led worship on Wednesday 27th September and continued the story of Joseph and his coat of many colours!
On Monday 18th September, Mrs Blackwell led Collective Worship to focus on our new value of 'respect'. Mrs Blackwell read a wonderful story called 'Piggybook' by Anthony Browne. The story helped us to think about how we can respect our family members at home and reminded us to be appreciative and thankful of all they do for us!
We are really lucky as we get to welcome Reverend Martin into school every fortnight to lead Collective Worship. This autumn term, Martin has started his series of collective worship by looking at a Bible story all about Joseph and his coat of many colours.
Thank you to Year 6 for introducing our new school value for the first part of the autumn term: respect. Year 6 spoke about how Jesus showed respect by washing the disciples' feet. They then acted out a range of scenarios of children not showing respect around school and how this could be changed. Thank you Year 6!
Collective worship is a brilliant time to reflect and think about what worship means to us and how this may impact us in the future. In every session, a child from Key Stage One and Key Stage Two and a teacher complete a reflection about what worship means to them.
Easter Service
Year 5 led our Easter service. Unfortunately, the rain prevented us from going to church so Martin came to us! Year 5 shared some of their work from RE day - sharing different artist's impressions of the Easter story and re-telling it in their own words. They explained why we have hot cross buns and Easter eggs at Easter time, and shared poems and prayers that they had written.
Year 2 then sang a song all about new life - we all enjoyed it and loved the actions!
On Monday 6th February, Mrs Finn introduced Mental Health Awareness Week to us! We found out that the theme this year is all about connecting together. We thought about what this means and how we can connect with each other and improve our mental health. This week, we are going to complete activities all about kindness and friendship!
Our Year 4 children took part in a Christingle Service at Coventry Cathedral this term. They spoke about the meaning of the Christingle and Advent. Well done to those who performed readings and read prayers during the service.
Anti-bullying Week
On Monday 14th November, we had a special collective worship to start Anti-bullying week. We spoke about the theme for this year 'Reach Out' and discussed why we were all wearing odd socks!
Thank you to our Year 5s for introducing our new value focus of Creativity. They did a wonderful job and created a brilliant assembly all about God's creation of our beautiful planet. Well done Year 5!
On Thursday 20th October, we had a special worship all about Diwali! When we came into the hall, it was very dark then we saw candles flickering and heard Indian music playing! We listened to the story of Diwali and found out how many people in our school community will be celebrating over half term! Happy Diwali to everyone who is celebrating over half term!
Year 3 led our Harvest Festival service in church. They told us all about the importance of Harvest and why we should be thankful for all that we have. They shared poems and prayers that they had written.