
Year 3

Year 3 

Miss Purewal and Mrs Reynolds

Miss Purewal:

Year 3 PE takes place on Tuesdays. Please ensure that your child has their PE kit in school as they may also have PE on different days of the week, depending on the weather. 

Rocksteady Concert

MFL Day!

Year 3 went back in time and became Roman soldiers at the Roman Lunt Fort! Children loved all the activities, especially the battles!

Year 3 pupils enjoyed showing parents and carers how to collect statistical data and present this data in a bar chart.

Our Values Assembly - Year 3 pupils encouraged the rest of our school to be responsible pupils through stories, role plays, posters and poems.

The Wind in the Willows - Year 3 and 4 have been working so hard on their Easter production. We are extremely proud of you all for your hard work and enthusiasm. We hope you enjoy it!

We enjoyed carrying out the whole school science investigation - Do bigger hands hold more sweets? We found that wasn't the case in Year 3. Someone with one of the smallest hands was able to hold 23 sweets! We thought of lots of other questions we would like to investigate... Do taller people have bigger hands? Do younger people run faster than older people? Are younger people more flexible? Do taller people swim faster? Do people with blue eyes or brown eyes see better? Do older people eat faster?

Year 3 visit to Coombe Abbey Park to complete a river study

Well done to our Year 3 gymnastics competition silver medalists! Your performances were fantastic and we can't wait to do it again at County Championships in March!

Sewing Spectacular! Our Year 3 pupils enjoyed learning the running stitch and the cross stitch with their parents/carers.

Rocking out for Rocksteady! Our Year 3 pupils had a fabulous time performing for their families!

Having fun learning a gymnastics routine - pupils loved jumping off the vault!

Landscapes of our local area!

The Year 3 Christmas Service was a success! The children taught us about how Christmas is celebrated in different countries around the world. Well done to all the children, we are all very proud!

Applying our dictionary skills to find the meaning of words!

In PSHE this half term we have been learning about what makes a good friendship and how to mend friendships when they are challenging.

Stone Age Visitor - Pupils enjoyed a full day of activities to help them understand what life was like for humans in the Stone Age!

Children enjoying their Food Technology Masterclass this week! 10/10/23

Our Learning Event - Planning a story about the Stone Age! Pupils really enjoyed reading Stone Age Boy to their parent/carers!

We have been finding out about different types of natural rock - we were all amazed by the formation process of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. We carried out tests to explore the properties of some rock samples. We tested for permeability, durability and density. We thought about the effects of weathering on these rocks. 

Living our values of Respect and Responsibility by discussing and understanding more about bullying

English - Year 3 pupils worked on acting out 'freeze frames' to tell part of a story

A cooking master class!

A dance break for National Fitness Day!

Radford Semele C of E Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. We expect all staff, volunteers and parents to share this commitment.