
Charity and Community


Reflection Garden

The School Council worked together to put bird feeders and decorations into our Reflection Garden to make it and even more lovely place to sit and to encourage more wildlife. 

Easter Egg Donations

We are so proud of Leon (Reception) and Marshall (Year 2) for a lovely act of kindness. The boys decided they would like to donate Easter Eggs to the MacGregor Ward at Warwick Hospital to children who would be spending Easter in hospital. 

Thanks to the generosity of our school community they managed to collect 34 eggs along with bunnies and bags of mini eggs too! 

Well done Leon and Marshall!!

Peace Pole Unveiling Ceremony

On 7th February, we were joined by Margaret from the Rotary Club and Reverend Martin for a special ceremony to unveil our new 'Peace Pole'. The pole is a lovely addition to our Reflection Garden and shares the words 'May peace prevail on Earth' in all of the different languages spoken by children at our school. Each class produced prayers, artwork and poems, which were shared in the special ceremony. We are so grateful to the Rotary Club for organising the Peace Pole as a wonderful symbol of inclusion. 


In January, Year 6 visited our local canal to see the area of land which we have adopted. The children will be producing some artwork to displayed in the area for our local community to enjoy!


Y2 visited a local mosque in Leamington to find out more about their RE topic. The adults were so impressed with how sensible and respectful they were and what brilliant questions they asked!

Nativity the Musical

We are so proud of the Maisie in Year 6 who has a brilliant talent for dance and performing arts. This year Maisie performed in Nativity The Musical at the Bridge House Theatre in Warwick. We are so impressed!


Collective Worship Team

Thank you to the Collective Worship Team who have decorated a Christmas tree to represent our school vision and values which is now on display at St Nicholas Church. We hope that many of you are able to visit the church to see the beautiful array of trees from local groups and businesses.


Choir Performance

In December, some members of the school choir visited Radford Social Club to join members of the village    community at the Pensioners’ Christmas Lunch. Children were invited to perform Christmas carols and then spent time chatting to the adults. The adults look forward to welcoming the children to this event every year and it was lovely to see them interacting so nicely.



In the autumn term, we adopted an area of our local canal! Thank you to Mrs Finn, the canal trust and the children for all of their hard work on this area of land. We look forward to continuing our work in the spring term!

Warwickshire Fire & Rescue Service

Thank you to our local Warwickshire Fire & Rescue Service who came in to speak to Y1 and Y5 about the importance of fire safety. We really appreciate their time sharing these important messages.


Football Team

It was brilliant to connect with some of our local schools during the autumn term and take part in two football matches against Newburgh and Clapham Terrace. We are so proud of our football team for representing our school so well!

Children in Need

Our School Council prepared games and activities for Children in Need at the end of November.  Children came into school  wearing something spotty or bright and all children have taken part in activities such as ‘Guess the name of the teddy’ and ‘How many pompoms in a jar.’ Thank you for donations on ParentPay which will be sent to Children in Need for the fantastic work they do.


Children's Forest

In November, Y5 returned to Leasowe Farm to continue with the work on the Children's Forest! They had a great time tending to the forest and continuing all of the work that was started last year. Well done Year 5!

Sponsored walk for WWF

In November, a group of the Year 3s did a 5 mile sponsored walk from Radford Semele to Long Itchington. They organised it to raise money for the World Wildlife fund and they have raised over £700. They were absolutely brilliant and all the staff and parents are really proud of them. Well done to George, Chester, Leo, Freddie A, Zidan and Finn from Y1 and well done to Leo from Year 1 who set up the half way point and then did the second half of the walk. 

Rotary Club Peace Pole

We are so grateful to the Rotary Club for the donation of our Peace Pole which is now located in the Reflection Garden. The Peace Pole includes all of the different languages spoken by children here at school and is such a lovely way to show all children how we value them as individuals and to encourage peace for all. 

British Legion Poppy Appeal

Thank you to our School Council for organising the poppy appeal this year! They have been working hard selling poppies around school and we have been learning all about the meaning of Remembrance Day.

World Mental Health Day 

This year, we recognised World Mental Health Day by holding a special assembly and wearing hats linking to this year's theme: 'Hats on for Mental Health'. 

Harvest Festival


Once again, we have been overwhelmed with the donations we have received for our Harvest Festival celebration - it is lovely to see our value of generosity in action. Our donations are being sent to our local foodbank to support families and individuals in our community. 

Macmillan Coffee and Cake Sale

Our School Council helped to organise our first fundraising event of the year! They discussed what great work Macmillan do to help those affected by cancer. The School Council created advertising posters to go around school and on our school newsletter. 

Our Year 6 prefects then helped to run the cake sale and coffee afternoon. Thank you so much to our wonderful parents/carers and friends of Radford for your generous donations. It was lovely to see so many people at our Coffee and Cake afternoon. 



Myton Hospice

In worship, we have been finding out out more about our rights as part of our Rights Respecting School Award. We found that children have the right to have their ideas listened too which inspired Frankie (Y1) and her sister Ella (Y4) and their friends Lottie (Y1) and Iris (Y4) want to make a difference. Teddy (Y6) also came to speak to Mrs Anwar and asked if they could hold a toy and book sale for Myton Hospice. They worked together to raise £167.63!


"We did the sale to help those less fortunately. It went well and we raised an incredible amount of money. It was tricky when everyone rushed in and there were 30 people all at once! I am very happy that I managed to help people." Teddy Year 6 


"Frankie (age 6, year 1) had the idea to run a charity book sale at school to raise money for a local hospice, The Myton Hospices. Together with her sister, Ella (age 9, year 4) they designed posters, and enlisted their teacher to help them prepare. The day of the sale they worked hard all morning to prepare the stall and sold books for 50p/£1 to their school mates. Overall they raised over £167 for their chosen local charity. They chose this hospice as it is where their grandma died three years ago. Overall they demonstrated some important values. They showed initiative and enthusiasm, organisational skills, leadership, support for a local charity and also reuse and recycle, supporting the circular economy locally." Nicola Smith, parent

Cake Sale for Aylesford Oncology Unit 

Dylan and his mum decided that they would like to raise money for the wonderful Aylesford Oncology Unit in Warwick. Dylan's friends in Year 4 helped to bake and buy cakes to sell and they did a wonderful job! 

"Me and my mum wanted to say thank you to the hospital that helped my dad. The cake sale was good because it raised a lot of money. It felt like a really special day that I will remember for a long time." Dylan, Year 4

Children's Forest

Our Year 5 and 6s have worked hard this year at local Leasowe Farm as part of the 'Children's Forest' project. They planted the trees in May 2022 and then returned in the autumn and summer to help take care of the plants. 

"It has been wonderful to work with the children from Radford Semele school over the past couple of years. They have entered into the spirit of the Children's Forest project with great joy and enthusiasm, but also a high level of sensitivity and understanding for the deeper purpose of the project. Namely, to elicit a sense of loving responsibility towards the future generations, of all species.  The impact they have made upon the land at Leasowe Farm is significant and far-reaching. They were the first school group to come and plant, and the care they have taken in doing so, as well as in returning for tending days later, is evidenced by the fact that their little trees are thriving, despite some very difficult periods of extended drought. The whole-hearted way they have engaged with this project has blessed the land with more than the trees themselves. They also spoke and planted their dreams and visions for the future as they put the saplings into the ground. Remembering and speaking those things each time they have returned has made the place itself feel very special indeed, and we look forward to welcoming them back long into the future." Agnes, ARC Staff Member

Coronation Tea Party at St Nicholas' Church

Thank you to Reverent Martin and everyone at St Nicholas' Church for organising a brilliant Coronation Tea Party! Thank you to all of the children and families who came to the event. It was lovely to see so many of you there and to hear the children's wonderful singing. 


A huge well done to Robyn, Dia, Alice (Y3) and Owen (Y1) for showing our value of generosity. They planned and held a fundraiser for the Ukraine appeal and raised £250 selling cakes, books, burgers and having games including ring toss, a raffle, guess the name of the tiger and guess the number of sweets. 


Owen and Alice also helped at Morrisons on Saturday for a charity called Together for Short Lives, they dressed up and held collection buckets - raising £564 on the day. 


Well done! We are so proud of you! 


"We tried to raise money for Ukraine because of the war against Russia so people can buy their own home if they had to leave. It makes me feel warm inside and closer to getting peace. It’s like the world is getting closer." Alice, Year 3

Year 5 Earthquake Appeal

In worship, we found out about how people had been affected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. We found out that Christians believe it is important to help other people, particularly those less fortunate than ourselves. As Year 5 are currently studying natural disasters, they looked into what had happened and decided that they would like to help make a difference. The Year 5s then organised and ran a cake sale to raise money to help the appeal. Well done Year 5!

"We decided to hold a cake sale because of the earthquake. It made me feel happy because we made a difference especially for the people who had lost their homes." Ellie, Year 5

Helping out at the food bank

We are so proud of Aaid and Aaish for packing bags for perishable food bank at the local mosque over the holidays. They helped by first shopping for the items for food bank and then they packed 70 bags with other members of the mosque. They really enjoyed the task and understood the importance of giving and sharing and showing our value of generosity. Great work boys! 

"We gave the food to people who don’t have any. It was a hard project to do because we had to do about a hundred bags! It makes me feel happy that I was able to help other people." Aaish, Year 3

Tree Planting

Thank you to all of the children, staff and local volunteers from FoRGE for their great teamwork planting our saplings in our Year 1 outdoor area. We can't wait to watch them grow!

Children In Need

On Thursday 18th November, we came in our spotty clothes to raise money for Children In Need. Our brilliant School Council, organised a treasure hunt and guess the teddy's name to help raise money. Well done everyone!

Our very creative Reception children also made this amazing Pudsey out of leaves! Wow!

Harvest Festival (07/10/22)

For our Harvest Festival celebration this year, we collected donations for our local foodbank. We were overwhelmed with the donations we received. A big thank you to the whole school community for showing our value of generosity. 

Macmillan Cake Sale and Coffee Afternoon (30/09/22)

The Prefect team organised and ran two fantastic events to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Care. In the morning, the Prefects ran a cake sale for the children in school and in the afternoon, the Prefects ran a Coffee Afternoon for parents and members of the community. The day was really successful and we raised just over £300.


Area Athletics

We are so proud of our Key Stage Two children for competing in the Area Athletics competition! They were amazing! Not only did they perform really well in all of their events, they showed all of our values and great sportsmanship towards others. 

Queen's Platinum Jubilee 

On 27th May, we celebrated the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. Each class completed a range of craft activities and found out about a different decade. It was lovely to present this information in a special Jubilee collective worship and sing the song 'Sing' together. 

We were also extremely lucky as Stan and David from the Parish Council came to present each child with a very special commemorative mug! Thank you to the Parish Council for their kind gift! The PTA kindly donated an ice lolly and a badge for everyone in school and we enjoyed a delicious picnic lunch! What a brilliant way to celebrate such a special occasion!

Queen's Green Canopy Project

To celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, we have taken part in 'The Queen's Green Canopy' project. Two trees were donated to the school by Leamington Rotary Club, who joined the children to plant the trees on the school field. We are looking forward to seeing these trees grow over the next few decades!

Red Nose Day

We had great fun wearing an item of red clothing and dancing in the Danceathon to raise money for Comic Relief! 

Christmas Jumper Day

Children and staff had lots of fun wearing Christmas jumpers and taking part in the chocolate tombola on 10th December to raise money for Save the Children. 


Thank you to Asda in Leamington and St Nicholas Church, Radford Semele, for donating all of the materials we needed for every child to make their own Christingle! Our Head Prefects, Iris, Scarlett and Sophie went to collect the oranges before handing them out in school. Children really enjoyed learning about the symbolism of the Christingle through a worship session led by Reverend Martin. 


Year 4 children attended a Christingle Service alongside lots of other schools at Coventry Cathedral. Some of the children read prayers and readings during the service.  

Children in Need

We raised £330 for Children in Need on Friday 19th November by wearing something spotty! We also took part in lots of fun games, organised by the Year 6 Prefects, for a donation of £1. 

We are very proud to have raised lots of money, which will help children all around the country. 

World Mental Health Day

On Friday 8th October, we recognised World Mental Health Day by wearing something yellow to show support and raise money for the Young Minds charity. Children took part in a range of activities to help them understand what we mean by mental health and how to take care of our mental health. 

Radford Semele C of E Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. We expect all staff, volunteers and parents to share this commitment.