

Physical Education (PE)



At Radford Semele, we want to encourage our children to take part in a healthy, active lifestyle through our P.E. lessons and extra-curriculars. Our P.E. lessons will cover a wide range of activities and sports, teaching children different skills and game rules as well as ways of staying fit and active. All children will be able to take part in each activity so that they can develop their understanding and be engaged in all that we teach. Children will also learn about healthy bodies and healthy minds, recognising how to take care of themselves. We believe that this is vital to develop children’s confidence and development, as well as providing them with opportunities to build their fitness. We intend to support children with developing these skills as well as giving them the chance to learn how to keep themselves safe through swimming lessons.



In their time at Radford Semele, children will have access to a range of different activities and sports, with their skills developing year after year. Children across the school take part in dance, athletics, ball skills, invasion games and gymnastics, as well as joining in with units that will help them to develop their general fitness and stamina. The scheme that we use within our school provides children with a progressive curriculum and the opportunity to develop their abilities throughout their time at Radford Semele. In their twice weekly P.E. sessions, children will be supported in learning the skills needed in order to play different sports as well as recognising how to take care of their bodies by warming up and cooling down safely. In Key Stage 1, the children begin with simplified versions of games before moving onto more complex games in Key Stage 2. In addition to sessions dedicated to skills and sporting rules, our children will have lessons on fitness and learn how to recognise development in their own bodies. Children also have the opportunity to learn the vitally important skills of swimming and self-rescue, having lessons as part our of PE curriculum.


Our focus is always to develop a good understanding of fitness and to help the children discover an enjoyable way of staying healthy. Alongside this, we incorporate ideas of good sportsmanship and teamwork, encouraging the children to co-operate with their peers and work together. We also encourage children to compete against themselves, focusing on beating their own personal best and setting their own goals. We use a wide range of resources to ensure that all children are able to access our curriculum and that they can explore ways of keeping healthy.


Children are encouraged to take part in lunchtime games led by a coach in order to keep active during playtimes. Sports Leaders are also encouraged to help lead younger children in active games. Children at Radford Semele have the opportunity to take part in after-school clubs, with a range of activities on offer across the school year, as well as extra events such as Bikeability and Sports Day. The school takes part in several competitions, with many of our children able to take part. This allows our children to develop their sense of competition and also their own resilience.



Our children are learning to develop their skills and recognise ways to build a healthy lifestyle. Through lesson observations and pupil voice, we are able to ensure that the curriculum remains progressive and that children are able to take part in the variety of activities we teach, as well as listening to children’s opinions on the extra-curriculars and competitions available to them.


"It's good to set yourself challenges" Year 3 

"I enjoy getting my heart beating" Year 4 

"You know you're getting better when you can beat your records like a rally or beating your earlier score" Year 5

Radford Semele C of E Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. We expect all staff, volunteers and parents to share this commitment.