Mrs Lyatt and Mrs Kumari
Mrs Lyatt:
Welcome back Year 6!
Important information
PE - For the first half term PE will be on Monday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full PE kit including a white t-shirt, black shorts, black jogging bottoms, a black long sleeved top and trainers.
What a busy end to the term it has been! On Tuesday, Year 6 performed their end of year play to the rest of the school in the afternoon and then to their families in the evening. On Wednesday, the children visited the Children's Forest for the very last time - they were able to see the trees they planted earlier in the year. On Thursday, the children had great fun playing games and having a water fight on the school field. And, on their final day at Radford, the children visited the church for their Leavers' Service where the children shared all the things they have been thankful for during their time at school.
It has been such a busy end to the term but I am so proud to have taught such a wonderful group of children this year. The children have blossomed throughout their time at Radford and they are all truly ready for the next step in their educational journey. Thank you parents for all your support this year and thank you so much for your generous gifts at the end of term. I hope that you all, parents and children, have a wonderful summer break and I wish the children well as they enter Year 7.
I am so proud of the whole of Year 6 for their hard work during SATs week this week. Each day, the tests required them to demonstrate our school values of respect, responsibility and perseverance. The children arrived at school each day with smiles on their faces and they tackled the tests with confidence, enthusiasm and determination.
We are so proud of each and every one of you Year 6! You have worked hard all year and I hope you are proud of how far you have come this year, and during your time at Radford. Well done for all your hard work and we hope you enjoyed your end of SATs celebrations today.
What a great way to start the new term! The children had such a fantastic day taking part a wide range of activities including exploring artefacts, code breaking and even completing a military assault course! The children listened carefully throughout the day, asked thoughtful questions and demonstrated many of our school values throughout the day.
Year 5 and 6 Carol Concer 19th December 2023
Year 5 and 6 did a wonderful job of celebrating Christmas with their carol concert. They performed in the church and we were treated to fantastic singing and solo musical performances. Year 6 wrote and read festive poems and prayers. Well done Children!
Football match
A huge well done to Noah, Austin, Jacob, Jenson, Senan, Edward, William, Noah and Harrison for playing so well in their first football match of the year! They did a wonderful job of representing our school and we are so proud of them!
Wednesday marked National Fitness Day and all children in school took part in 10 minutes of fitness at 10am. Year 6 ad a great time taking part in a few Just Dance routines.
This term, Year 6 are learning all about light in their science topic. The children have been exploring how we see objects and how light is reflected.
Year 6 did a great job of introducing this half term's value of Respect. The children explained what respect means and how we can demonstrate this in school. The children also shared a story from the bible in which Jesus shares the meaning of respect with his disciples.