
Year 3

Year 3

Miss Purewal

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Year 3 PE takes place on Tuesdays and Fridays or Mondays. Please ensure that your child has their PE kit in school as they may also have PE on different days of the week, depending on the weather. 


Homework: Year 3 will be issued with Maths homework each Friday. This needs to be returned to school by the following Friday for marking. 


Spellings: Spellings will be tested on Thursdays each week. Each week's spellings are available on the Spelling Shed website (using the login you have already been issued). Please use Spelling Shed where possible to make the most of the interactive tasks. You can also access the spellings list on the Spellings page below.


Year 3 have been learning how shadows are made, which materials make the best shadows and exploring how to change the size of shadows. They had a brilliant time putting this learning together to create a shadow puppet performance.

Year 3 DT Learning Celebration - we hope you enjoyed helping us with our sewing skills!


Year 3 have been learning that we need light in order to see and that darkness is the complete absence of light. The children enjoyed guessing what was in the different bear caves. With the window closed and no light allowed in, they soon realised that this was impossible. When we repeated the activity with the window open and a small amount of light getting in, they were much more successful. 

Year 3 delivered the Christmas Service at church this morning by telling a Victorian Christmas Story and reminding Mr Scrooge the true meaning of Christmas! Well done to all the Year 3 Children!

Magnetic games - the children used their knowledge of magnetic forces to design and make games. The enjoyed playing each other's games and evaluating them.

Pupils took part in an NRICH Maths Rich Task where they were encouraged to think mathematically and identify patterns. In their pairs, the worked together to prove or disprove theories.

Year 3 produced line drawings and charcoal sketches of animals we could find in the wild locally. We also created land art out on our playground and field, taking inspiration from Andy Goldsworthy.

Biscuit Stonehenge! Pupils took on a tasty looking challenge to try and recreate Stonehenge out of custard creams and bourbon biscuits.

Year 3 took part in a PE Wellbeing Event at Kingsley Playing Fields on Wednesday afternoon. The children enjoyed taking part in different activities lead by their wellbeing ambassadors.

Year 3 took a lovely, sunny walk down the canal to our School's garden. Children used magnifying glass to inspect insects in the area.

Fossils The children made their own moulds to cast a fossil. They were able to talk through the fossilisation process as they worked. The following week they took on the role of palaeontologist to carefully excavate their fossil.

A visit from the Stone Age! In this immersive experience, pupils were able to take part in handling artefacts, hunting a woolly mammoth, caving painting, digging like an archaeologist and archery!

In science we have been learning all about rocks, soil and fossils. Today we handled and learnt about a variety of rocks and fossils when our visitor Mrs West came in. We had a brilliant morning being young palaeontologists.

In our Theme lessons we are learning about the Stone Age. We used toilet roll to demonstrate and visualise how long the Stone Age lasted for compared to the last 2024 years since Jesus was born.

Maths - We have been focusing on adding and subtracting 1-digit numbers to/from 3-digit numbers this week! We have been looking at which strategies work best for us individually - representations, number lines, column method.

In our learning event this week, pupils told parents/carers the story of Stone Age Boy. They worked together to create a storyboard of what might happen to them if they went back in time to the Stone Age!

Radford Semele C of E Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. We expect all staff, volunteers and parents to share this commitment.