Mr Andrews
Email address:
We hope you've all had a lovely summer! Year 4 have settled so well into their new classroom this week and have worked really hard.
This half term, P.E. is on a Tuesday and a Wednesday (swimming). Please make sure that your child has a full P.E. kit ready including a white t-shirt, black shorts, black jogging bottoms, a black long sleeved top and trainers
In Year 4, children will receive a Maths homework sheet every Friday. They should complete one section of this a week and this will be collected in on Friday mornings and given back to the children at the end of day on Fridays.
Children will also have weekly spellings to learn, with the test on a Friday. These spellings can be found on the class website.
Please continue to hear your child read at least four times a week. Children will have the chance to change their banded book on a weekly basis.