
Year 4

Year 4

Mr Andrews

Email address:

As part of Children’s Mental Health Week, we have participated in different well-being activities each day. These have included; an outdoor team game, circle games, a quiet relaxing activity, mindfulness doodling and yoga. We even played our own game of The Traitors in the hall!

Thank you so much for joining us for our reading for pleasure learning event. We hope you enjoyed making our book reviews and visiting our school library!

Year 4 welcomed our polar visitor Lynnette to share her experience of travelling to the Antarctic. We really enjoyed hearing about her experiences and had the opportunity to have a Q&A at the end to ask a mixture of open and closed questions.

Year 4 making simple series electrical circuits in their recent Science unit ‘Electricity’. We discussed the components including; battery, bulb, wires, motor, switch and more. We are looking forward to applying our scientific knowledge of electrical circuits when we make our torches in DT!

Year 4 have been enjoying their latest Spanish topic ‘I know how...’ where we have been learning about how to say things we can do such as; singing, jumping and dancing in Spanish.

Year 4 have been working really hard on their feelings and emotions topic in PSHE lessons. They have been able to articulate and identify a vast range of different emotions including; depressed, anxious, down-hearted, overjoyed, jealous and many more!

Year 4 have enjoyed using the Chromebooks to help them with photo editing.

We have been using lots of mathematical language and talking about maths in small groups to solve different rich tasks. We have really enjoyed these tasks and have been able to work on our reasoning skills.

Christmas Jumper Day... Merry Christmas everyone 🎅🏼🎄❤️

We have had a great day digging deeper in our RE Day. We have been thinking about ‘What is the Trinity? and I have been so impressed with how brilliant the children’s knowledge and understanding has been. They have asked insightful questions and demonstrated a lot of fantastic ideas.

In our PSHE lessons, we have been learning about rights, rules and responsibilities. We have had some brilliant discussions about wants vs needs, learnt about how to show respect, considered people in positions of authority and we have also made class ground rules.

We have been learning about persuasive writing in English and have looked at famous people in history who have inspired people with their speeches such as; Martin Luther King, Greta Thunberg, Harvey Milk and Barack Obama. We analysed persuasive features such as; repetition, rhetorical questions, direct address, inclusive language and facts/statistics. We used these features in our own persuasive speeches for our Beowulf unit.

Year 4 had a great morning learning about the Christingle service at Coventry Cathedral. We even did a special reading of a Christingle prayer, how festive! Well done for your fabulous singing everyone.

This week we have been focusing on writing our own script of ‘Beowulf’ in our English lessons. We identified the features including; character list, scene numbers and stage directions, then we performed our versions to the class. Well done for showing great creativity Year 4!

We took part in ’Odd Socks Day’ to celebrate diversity and embrace our differences as part of Anti-Bullying week. We spoke about how bullying is repeated, deliberate unkind behaviour and discussed who to speak to and how to support others if we are concerned about bullying.

Year 4 have been enjoying their cooking masterclass with Mrs Reynolds and Mrs Kumari. This week, we cooked some cheese scones, they were yummy!

Year 4 loved our trip to Compton Verney as part of their ‘Viking villagers’ workshop. We did lots of different activities including; building Anglo-Saxon houses, writing our names in Viking runes, lighting a fire, baking Viking bread and making a wattle and daub. It was so much fun and we really enjoyed being Vikings for the day!

Thank you so much for joining us at our times tables learning event. We hope you enjoyed the activities! Please use the ‘Times tables’ tab on our class page to support your children with their times tables at home.

In Science we created our own water cycle experiment to identify; evaporation, condensation, precipitation and collection. Can you spot the condensation?

To celebrate World Mental Health Day on Thursday 10th October, we did some mindfulness activities including; mindfulness doodling, breathing exercises and guided meditation with some calming music.

Year 4 have been applying their computing skills through their research in our current Anglo-Saxons, Scots and Vikings Theme. We have been researching about their daily life, weapons, diet and clothing ready to write our non-chronological reports next week!

As part of National Poetry Day, Year 4 explored the poem ‘One’ by James Berry.

Year 4 were in charge of leading our Harvest service at Church. We wrote some lovely poems, did some Harvest inspired drama and even sang some brilliant songs. Our favourite was ‘Harvest Shotgun’ inspired by George Ezra.

Year 4 have been working hard on their technical terminology in computing! We have been learning about websites, web addresses, webpages, routers and routing!

In our English lessons, we have been focusing on the legend of ‘The Sword in the Stone’. Here we are re-enacting the story through the use of drama, sequencing the key events in chronological order. We showed lots of teamwork and worked really hard to understand some of the complex vocabulary!

In Computing we have started our new unit ‘The Internet’. We talked about how it is a global network of networks and we also explored what a router is with some role play!

We have been working hard on our grammar skills by identifying different word classes and sorting the words into the right group.

We have enjoyed working on our nRICH maths challenges - we use lots of problem solving and mathematical language to discuss our answers to the different problems. Thank you to Mrs Gott for helping us with this challenge!

We have been working hard on using the column method for addition and subtraction in our maths lessons. Here we are solving some tricky word problems!

Year 4 have produced some fabulous artwork inspired by Daisy de Villeneuve during Art week!

Welcome to Year 4

We hope you've all had a lovely summer! Year 4 have settled so well into their new classroom this week and have worked really hard.



This half term, P.E. is on a Tuesday and a Wednesday (swimming). Please make sure that your child has a full P.E. kit ready including a white t-shirt, black shorts, black jogging bottoms, a black long sleeved top and trainers



In Year 4, children will receive a new Maths homework sheet every Friday. They should complete one sheet a week and this will be collected in on Friday mornings and given back to the children at the end of day on Fridays.

Children will also have weekly spellings to learn, with the test on a Friday. These spellings can be found on the class website. Please encourage your children to practise as often as possible, a short practise daily is strongly advised to best support your child.

Please continue to hear your child read at least four times a week. Children will have the chance to change their banded book on a weekly basis.

Radford Semele C of E Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. We expect all staff, volunteers and parents to share this commitment.