
Year 5

Year 5

Mrs Blackwell, Mrs Skipper, Mrs Hartley and Mrs Kumari 

Mrs Blackwell:

Rocksteady Concert

Skateboard workshop

Greek visitor

Forest school group 1



Year 5 researched the tradition of bull fighting in Spain and considered the arguments for and against.  We though about our own views and voted. 

Then we looked at the work of Joan Miro and began a surrealist work of our own. 


DT food technology

Year 5 told their parents and carers all about the Ancient Greek Olympics. They sang a song about the Greeks competing naked then held their own games. Parent and carers took part in sprint and hurdle races, thumb wrestling, javelin, discuss, shot put and long jump. 

RE Day

Year 5 studied the question ‘Was Jesus the Messiah?’. We worked as detectives to study the evidence and interview witnesses. We role played as Mary and Joseph to answer questions. We learned that Christians believe Jesus was the Messiah and followers of the Jewish faith believe the Messiah is yet to come. 

We are learning about living things and their habitats in science. We went for a fact hunt to find definitions for all the parts of a flower. 

Science fact hunt!

STEM workshop from Ricardo


Chris and Clara from Ricardo came to year 5 to talk to us about what they do and teach us more about buoyancy and design.  
We played a game to quests if things would sink or float then designed our own boats with limited materials. We tested if our boats would float and then how much weight they would hold. There was a prize for the strongest and for the best looking. 

RE day. Year 5 asked the question ‘What would Jesus do?’

Year 5 considered ‘What would Jesus do?’

We heard the story of the wise and foolish builders and built our own houses in sand or with a clay foundation.  We read quotes from The Sermon on the Mount and tried to work out what Jesus was trying to say. 
We thought about what are strong foundations for life for Christians and everyone. 

Return to The Children's Forest

Haiti earthquake

Amy came to talk to year 5 about her charity work in Haiti. In 2010 an earthquake destroyed much of the capital Port-au-Prince and Amy worked for a charity that went there to help. She told us all about her experiences helping people in the months after the earthquake and what it was like living in the middle of a disaster zone. It was so interesting and really brought our ‘Natural Disasters’ topic to life. 

Science Week. We wanted to find out if the biggest hands could grab the most sweets!

Science - Testing if the further the planet from the sun, the slower the orbit.

This term PE will be on a Monday and Thursday. Please ensure children have indoor and outdoor kit in school on these days.


In computing this half term, Year 5 are learning all about Micro:bits. We had a brilliant time in our first lesson exploring the features of a Micro:bit and turning them into name tags!

Music Lessons

In their music lessons this half term, Year 5 have been learning all about music notation! They have found out what the different notes are called and how many beats they last for. They have then learnt how to read the notes on the stave. They were set the challenge of reading and playing a piece of music and we were so impressed with how well they did!


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Year 5 and 6 Carol Concer 19th December 2023


Year 5 and 6 did a wonderful job of celebrating Christmas with their carol concert.  They performed in the church and we were treated to fantastic singing and solo musical performances.  Year 6 wrote and read festive poems and prayers.  Well done Children!

Safety visit from the Fire Service

Children in Need

Botanical Gardens Visit

Year 5 had a fantastic day at the Botanical Gardens in Birmingham.  We learned about the rainforest and held rainforest creatures.  We showed perseverance during our ‘Rainforest Challenge’ and learned so much about the plants and their uses. 

Science. We have been testing the effect of air and water resistance.

National Fitness Day. Year 5 used our Daily Mile track to get active for 10 minutes at 10 o’clock.


We measured the effects of gravity.  We showed perseverance when reading the scales of the Newton meter. Mass is measured in kg and weight is measured in Newtons and is dependant on the gravitational pull.  

RE day - What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today?

We listened to the story of 'The Crying Camel', 'The Prophet and the Ants' and 'Bilal and the Butterfly'

We acted out the stories in groups and thought about what the message of the story was.  

Welcome back Year 5!


Important information

PE - For the first half term PE will be on Tuesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full PE kit including a white t-shirt, black shorts, black jogging bottoms, a black long sleeved top and trainers.  



  • Maths homework and English homework will be given out on a Friday and will be due in the following Friday.
  • Spellings will also be set on a Friday and there will be a spelling test the following Friday. Spellings can be found on the Year 5 page of the school website.
  • Reading. It is also incredibly important for your child to continue reading on a regular basis (at least 4 times a week). Your child can read to themselves or to an adult. We would also encourage 'book talk' at home - discussing the plot of the story, the characters, your child's favourite part of the book, making predictions about what they think might happen next.
Radford Semele C of E Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. We expect all staff, volunteers and parents to share this commitment.