


Mrs Gott (Monday-Tuesday), Miss Hanton (Wednesday-Friday) and Mrs Bowen

Mrs Gott: 

Miss Hanton:

Song of Sounds Phonics

A parent guide can be found by copying and pasting the link, you will find useful information explaining what phonics is, how we teach it in Reception and how you can help at home.

Other resources are in the stars below

Words of the Week

Each week, we introduce the class to eight new words. We begin by hearing a story - this could be a story from a book, a traditional tale that is retold, or an animation. We then learn eight words that are relevant to the story. Each word has an action to help us understand the meaning of it. We practise these words for a few minutes every day. Why not ask the children about the words of the week for this week - they would love to show you the actions! 

Pirate Day

Reception have learnt all about pirates this week, including what they did, their history and how to talk like a pirate "Ahoy there me hearties!"

Then we had a pirate day, we dressed up as pirates (and parrots!) played pirate games and even had a treasure hunt! 

Water Aid

Reception have been learning about the importance of water for life and that some people don't have a clean water supply. We decided to raise some money to donate to  Water Aid to help supply fresh water for all.

We raised £110 by doing jobs at home!!

Modern Foreign languages day- at Radford Semele school the big children learn Spanish so we had a Spanish day! First we learnt to say "Hola"

Sports day, the weather was amazing and so were the children!

We have all loved finding out about caterpillars...

Cool Critters 

We all loved our visit from Phil and the Cool Critters. We learnt so much about different reptiles - snakes, geckos, tortoises, giant land snails, frogs, tarantulas, bearded dragons and skinks. 

Wildlife garden

Reception class have worked hard as a team to clear the grass from our flower bed. We then sowed lots of wildflower seeds for the wildlife and watered them.


Reception class have some new visitors, 3 caterpillars arrived in the post!

Our Learning Celebration!

Our families were invited to come in to school and share some learning with us. We worked together to make our own grass caterpillar. We predicted what they might look like in a few weeks time.

We have taken them home to look after them together.


We have planted different bean seeds. We each planted one seed in some soil in a plant pot, and one seed in a small amount of water in a mini greenhouse. We are looking forward to looking after them and watching them grow.   

The Farm

We really enjoyed our trip to the farm. We asked Farmer Sam lots of questions to find out what he does all day. 

Reception celebrated World Book Day by dressing up as a character from a story

We have been looking at the work of the Russian artist Kandinsky

What do grown ups do all day?

This half term we have been finding out what grown ups do all day. We have been lucky enough to have lots of different visitors who have shared what they do. We have been on some visits too!

Our topic this half term is our favourite stories, the children have shared their favourite stories from home

Our Nativit

The children in Reception wrote their own version of the Nativity story. They learnt lots of songs and dances. Everyone enjoyed performing the play for their grown ups.

Funky Fingers

Twice a week, we begin our afternoon sessions with a carousel of Funky Fingers activities. These are designed to help us with our fine motor skills - especially our pencil grip and control. We have been very impressed with their perseverance as some of the activities are very fiddly! 

Reception class supported Children in Need by wearing spots, bright colours and Pudsey clothes

Autumn Poems

Reception have been learning some poems all about Autumn, "Chop Chop" tells us how to chop up pumpkins to make yummy soup, "Falling Apples" is about apples being ripe and ready to eat and "Falling Leaves" describes the beautiful Autumn leaves.


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

World Mental Health Day

We all wore hats to help raise awareness on World Mental Health Day. We read a story called Lucy's Blue Day to help us understand different feelings.

Autumn walk

Reception have been finding out about our wonderful world, searching for signs that Autumn is coming!

Our First Week 

We have had a fantastic first day in school. Exploring our classroom and getting to know each other is so much fun!

Reception information

Radford Semele C of E Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. We expect all staff, volunteers and parents to share this commitment.