
Year 4

Year 4 

Mr Andrews, Mrs Skipper and Mrs Reynolds

Mr Andrews:

Y4 were absolutely brilliant at their music concert to share their learning of the Warwickshire Sings programme. A massive thank you to Hannah for all of her hard work across the year, she has made us all sound beautiful. Thank you to all the lovely parents and carers who joined us, we hope you enjoyed joining in with ‘Merengue’!

Rocksteady Concert

DT - Year 4 have absolutely loved making their pencil cases as part of our latest project! We researched existing products, analysed them and then designed and created our own. We also evaluated our final products to consider what went well and what could be better next time.

MFL Day - Year 4 had lots of fun learning about the language of Spanish and completing a range of different activities including; creating some Spanish bunting, researching about different Spanish-speaking places, doing some artwork inspired by a Spanish artist Joan Miro and tasting some yummy Spanish magadelenas!

Year 4 have done some fabulous learning about explorer Tadeo Jones. They worked hard to sequence the key events in the short film in chronological order - great work everyone!

Year 4 introduced our new value of generosity for this half-term. Well done for sharing your poems, artwork and special song!

As part of their reward for winning 250 tokens as a class, Year 4 enjoyed a non-uniform day and a trip to the park!





Year 4 have started learning about their brand new Theme; Ancient Egypt and the Sahara. We had a research task and completed some brilliant non-chronological reports!

Year 4 have done lots of work on kindness with Miss Lawrence and how important it is to show this value all of the time. We have spoken about how important it is to demonstrate this school rule to everyone, particularly at break time and lunchtime.

The Wind in the Willows - Year 3 and 4 have been working so hard on their Easter production. We are super proud of you all for your hard work and enthusiasm. We hope you enjoy it!

Year 4 have been thinking mathematically about some rich tasks in their lessons this week! We worked in groups of 3 with some tricky problems and came up with different solutions to these problems. We focused on talking in maths and using lots of discussion with some brilliant mathematical vocabulary to help us.

Science - Year 4 have investigated whether bigger hands can hold more sweets. We ensured it was a fair test by each having 3 attempts. We found that bigger hands don’t always hold more sweets.

RE Day - Year 4 have been learning about ‘What kind of world did Jesus want?” as their big question of the day. We had lots of reflective discussions about equality, discrimination, homelessness, plastic pollution and littering. Well done for your mature, sensible discussions - I am very impressed!

Y4 working hard with Mrs Blackwell during their new Art topic in our masterclass sessions. Super creativity!

Thank you for joining us for our Times Tables Learning Event! We hope you enjoyed the games and activities. Please remember to practise as much as possible at home using the songs, supermovers, TTRS and multiplication squares game. Well done to Vincent for winning a rather competitive game of Bingo! We really hope you enjoyed being part of our learning experience.

We are currently taking part in a programme called Warwickshire Sings! We are visited by the lovely Hannah once a fortnight to teach us lots of different songs from different cultures. Our favourites are Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody and Janie Mama!

As part of our Science topic states of matter, year 4 investigated which was the fizziest drink out of; Coke, Diet Coke, Fanta, Sprite and Lucozade by weighing the difference in carbon dioxide before and after to prove that gas has mass. We concluded that Lucozade was the fizziest!

Year 4 were very lucky to receive a visit from polar explorer Lynnette who visited the Antarctic last year! Thank you for sharing all your knowledge and beautiful photos with us.

We are super proud of our Rocksteady band; Archie, Dia and Elsie who bravely performed at their concert on Wednesday afternoon. Rock on!

Year 4 have been busy investigating the different parts that make up the Trinity, looking at God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit during RE day!

Thank you so much for all of our lovely cards and gifts, we are so appreciative of your kind words and thoughtful presents. Wishing you all a very merry Christmas and a happy, healthy new year! Mrs Skipper, Mrs Reynolds and Mr Andrews xxx

Together, we worked in groups to write our own balanced arguments. We discussed how to make it fair, we had to have an equal amount of arguments for and against the topic we were debating, otherwise it would not be a balanced argument. In conclusion, the Vikings believe that they should be allowed to stay in England as the conditions in their home countries is inhabitable and they need a place to stay. In contrast, the Anglo-Saxons believe that they should not be allowed to stay because of how they treated the monks during the Lindisfarne attack.

Year 4 have looked at the legend of Beowulf and have created their own powerful speeches in the style of the brave warrior. We even took turns performing our persuasive speeches to the rest of the class for our speaking and listening activity. Well done Year 4!

Odd Socks Day for Anti-Bullying week!

Our Viking visit to Compton Verney!

Thank you so much for joining us for our Learning Celebration! We really enjoyed sharing our learning about Anglo-Saxons and finding out even more with our research. Thank you for helping us, we hope you enjoyed it!

Y4 worked so brilliantly to put together our Harvest service at the Church. We performed some Harvest songs, retold the parable of the farmer and the seeds and wrote some beautiful prayers. We also talked about the importance of foodbanks and where our kind, generous donations will soon be going. Thank you to Martin for his hard work and for letting us lead the service.

PSHE - We focused on wellbeing strategies to support ourselves and help us self-regulate our emotions. We talked about how important it is to look after our mental health and thought about ways in which we can support each other. Here we practised mindfulness doodling and meditation. It was very relaxing and enjoyable (and quiet!), how peaceful.

National Fitness Day! Year 4 took part in 10 at 10, an idea from Youth Sport Trust to celebrate this. We had an interactive maths lesson and did a PE active session for ten minutes. It was great fun but very tiring! Well done for persevering, Y4.

RE Day - What can we learn from religions about deciding what is right and wrong? We found out that Christians and Jews use The Ten Commandments to help them to understand the difference between right and wrong. We read the Christian creation story and learnt that temptation can sometimes lead people to do the wrong thing. We also had a go at writing our own Ten Commandments and acted out the creation story. We learnt that Humanists do not feel that they need a holy book to help them know how to be good. When making a decision about how to act, they will try to think about whether their actions will cause harm or good to others. We talked about our values of respect, generosity, responsibility, forgiveness, perseverance and creativity, exploring how these link to our school and different religions. For example, showing forgiveness even if someone is tempted to do the wrong thing (e.g. Adam and Eve in the Creation story).

Welcome to Year 4

We hope you've all had a lovely summer! Year 4 have settled so well into their new classroom this week and have worked really hard (despite the sudden heatwave!).



This half term, P.E. is on a Monday and a Wednesday (swimming). Please make sure that your child has a full P.E. kit ready including a white t-shirt, black shorts, black jogging bottoms, a black long sleeved top and trainers



In Year 4, children will receive a Maths booklet. They should complete one section of this a week and this will be collected in on Friday mornings and given back to the children at the end of day on Fridays. 

Children will also have weekly spellings to learn, with the test on a Friday. These spellings can be found on the class website. 

Please continue to hear your child read at least four times a week. Children will have the chance to change their banded book on a weekly basis. 

Radford Semele C of E Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. We expect all staff, volunteers and parents to share this commitment.