To be tested 15th November
comfortable, dependable, enjoyable, horrible, incredible, possible, reasonable, reliable, terrible, understandable
To be tested 22nd November
comfortably, dependably, horribly, incredibly, legibly, possibly, reliably, sensibly, terribly, visibly
To be tested 29th November
accommodate, available, controversy, dictionary, marvellous, opportunity, secretary, sincerely, suggest, twelfth
To be tested 6th December
agreeable, changeable, irreplaceable, knowledgeable, manageable, microwaveable, noticeable, rechargeable, replaceable, salvageable
To be tested13th December
afterwards, earlier, eventually, finally, immediately, previously, recently, tomorrow, whilst, yesterday
To be tested 20th December
conferring, difference, inference, preference, preferred, referee, reference, referring, transference, transferring