Miss Warren and Mrs Ainsworth
Miss Warren: warren.r1@welearn365.com
Mary Arden’s
What a fantastic time we had at Mary Arden’s! We learnt about how people would have lived in Tudor times, played some Tudor games and had a go at a Tudor dance!
Sports Day
Well done to everyone for your hard work in your races!
Safety Seymour
We had a visit from Safety Seymour, helping us keep safe at home!
Brandon Marsh
What a great visit we had to Brandon Marsh, pond dipping and exploring the habitats of mini-beasts!
After working hard to earn tokens, Year 2 have their non-uniform day reward on Monday 18th March - well done, Year 2!
We've been continuing our D.T. learning by thinking about how we could join different parts together! We experimented with straws and paper, as well as sellotape, glue and elastic bands, to see which join was the strongest.
Learning Celebration
Year 2 really enjoyed sharing their learning about India with their families!
As part of their D.T. learning, Year 2 had a virtual session with an engineer! They explored which shape is the strongest and had a go at making columns to support books.
Collective Worship
Year 2 did a great job introducing this half term's value of forgiveness!
As part of our 'Around The World' theme, Year 2 have been having a go at performing a haka and thinking carefully about their final poses!
What a great job our Rocksteady group did at their concert!
Trip to the mosque
As part of our RE learning, we had a trip to Leamington Spa mosque. The children were amazing and showed great respect and asked really interesting questions!
A huge well done to Year 2 for leading a brilliant nativity this year in their performance of 'Everyone Loves a Baby'. We are so proud of how hard they have worked and the confidence they have shown performing in front of a large audience. Well done Year 2!
Compton Verney Art Gallery
On Thursday 7th December, we had a brilliant trip to Compton Verney! We went to visit the folk art gallery and then turned our sketches into repeating pattern prints. We had so much fun showing our value of creativity! The staff were really impressed with the children's great attitude and enthusiasm for learning! Well done Year 2!
Learning Event
Thank you to all parents/carers who were able to attend Year 2's first Learning Event of the year. We loved sharing our theme learning with you and telling you more about our latest topic 'Fire & Light'. We then had a great time writing our dragon stories! We hope you enjoyed!
Children in Need
We had a lovely day on Friday 17th November raising money for Children in Need! Here are Year 2 wearing their bright colours/spots!
In PSHE, Year 2 have just started their new topic all about emotions! They had a look at some photos of different children and thought about how they were feeling and what might have made them feel that way. Can you guess from their faces which emotion they are showing?
In science, Year 2 have been learning all about different materials! This week, they carried out an experiment to test which material would be most suitable for Ted's umbrella! They created predictions, carried out the experiment and recorded their results in a table. Great work Year 2!
RE Day
A big thank you to Aaid for sharing his great knowledge all about Islam! It was lovely to hear all about Aaid's Ameen celebration over the summer!
Year 2 have been learning all about the Great Fire of London. This week, they have written their own fictional stories inspired by the story 'Sid the Swan' who alerted everyone of the fire by making loud honking noises! Year 2 have created their own animals to save the day including a dog that barked to wake everyone up, a very helpful rat and even a heroic hedgehog!
We have been enjoying our weekly PE sessions with the Kits Academy PE coaches. This half term, we have been working on our cricket skills!
On Friday 8th September, the whole school took part in RE Day! Year 2 explored the big question 'What is the good news Jesus brings'? We thought about how Jesus taught others to be kind and forgive each other. We also learnt more about Jesus' disciples and how they helped to spread Jesus' teachings. We thought about how we can be good news to others. We also thought about the people and places around school that are good news to us and took some photos with the ipads. Have a look at a few below!
Welcome back!
I hope you've all had a lovely summer - and welcome to Year Two!
Below you can see a copy of what our expected timetable will look like. This half term, P.E. is on a Wednesday and a Friday. Please make sure that your child has a full P.E. kit ready including a white t-shirt, black shorts, black jogging bottoms, a black long sleeved top and trainers
In Year Two, children will receive a Maths booklet. They should complete two sessions of this a week, along with their Phonics homework. The booklets and homework will be collected in on Friday mornings and given back to the children at the end of day on Fridays.
Children will also have weekly spellings to learn, with the test on a Friday. These spellings can be found on the class website.
Please continue to hear your child read at least four times a week. Children will have the chance to change their banded book on a weekly basis.