


About us

The Radford Semele C of E Primary School PTA is an approachable and sociable group of parents and school staff. We run a wide range of fundraising events that bring together the school community to raise funds for things to develop the school. In doing so, we enhance and improve learning experiences for the children. We like to provide those “little extras” that make the kids' primary school years memorable. The PTA consists of parents, carers and teachers - it’s open to anyone in the school community. If you have a child at our school you’re automatically a member of the PTA. How active a member you’d like to be is up to you! We are a team of volunteers made out of: ‘Officer roles’ - Chair, Treasurer and Secretary. These roles are elected by the PTA members each year, usually at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). ‘Ordinary members’ - these can be general committee members or members allocated specific other roles. ‘Volunteers/helpers’ - in addition to the above roles we also rely on volunteers who are willing and able to support the committee, for example by helping at events or helping to plan and prepare for an event. There’s no set time requirement for this and you can dedicate as much or as little as you choose - find out more below.

Our current officers are: Nicola Rawlings (Co-chair), kids in Year 1 and Year 4, Anja Gill (Co-chair), kids in Year 2 and Year 4, Emily Tipson (Treasurer), kids in Reception and Year 3, Georgie Spencer (Secretary), kid in Year 4, Flo Worley (Secretary), kid in Year 5.


Our events

We run fun-filled events year round. Although some events vary, there are others we run every year - they’re firm favourites amongst the kids! For example, we run a winter and a summer disco, as well as movie nights and wrap room for Christmas, Mother's Day and Father's Day. Other events we've held in recent years include:

  • Christmas trail
  • Christmas Family Fun Day
  • Pumpkin carving competition
  • Sunflower competition
  • Love Yourself Day
  • Twos-Day
  • Curry Night
  • Non-Uniform Day
  • Break the rules Day
  • Ice Cream Fridays

Is there an event you’d like to see us organise? Get in touch!


Impact of our fundraising

Previous PTA fundraising has been spent on:

  • The brand new Reflection Garden
  • New books for each classroom, as chosen by the kids
  • Playground equipment for KS2
  • Easter gifts
  • Christmas crafts
  • Jubilee and Coronation memorabilia
  • Reception welcome gifts
  • Leavers hoodies


How to get involved

There are two resources every PTA needs to raise funds - time and skills. Are you good at graphic design, gardening, event planning, photography, face painting, baking, crafts, marketing? The list is endless - there are so many things that are useful to us. Or maybe you could help set up or promote an event? Sell raffle tickets or run a stall? Volunteer at movie night? Chaperone the disco? All our events are planned and run by volunteers, many of whom have busy work and home lives. The more help we can get the better we can plan and share the load a bit. Every single bit helps (and is greatly appreciated!] so even if you could spare an hour here or there you could make a big difference to the school community.


Other ways to contribute

Easy Fundraising turns your daily shopping into funds for your chosen charity. They partner with over 7,000 brands who will donate part of what you spend to a cause of your choice. It won't cost you extra - the brand pays for the donation by way of commission. So next time you shop online, your takeaway, Christmas gifts or home insurance could earn the PTA vital funds. It’s quick and easy one off set up! Find out more at Stikins makes brilliant sticky name labels for clothes, shoes, water bottles. Use this code and we get a commission - 16417.


Our next meeting

Please pop along to our next meeting- it would be great to see as many faces as possible! Make sure you follow our Facebook page ‘Radford Semele School PTA’ and keep an eye out for upcoming events in the school’s weekly newsletter.

Radford Semele C of E Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. We expect all staff, volunteers and parents to share this commitment.